strong case for Light Rail integration with HS2

Volterra partner Paul Buchanan was invited to give a presentation during this year’s 10th Annual UK Light Rail Conference in Nottingham, discussing the opportunities for light rail integration with high-speed rail. Norman Baker, former light rail minister; David Ralph, chief executive of D2N2; and Martha Grekos, partner and head of the planning and infrastructure team […]

HS2 Stoke Route – Better, cheaper, faster and greener

Volterra has central role in developing the stunning business case for HS2 the Stoke Route – which was launched in Westminster on the 15th October. The Stoke Route has been developed by a partnership of top consultants commissioned by Council to make the case for an HS2 station between Birmingham and Manchester at in the […]

Paul Buchanan speaks at the RTPI 2014 Planning Convention

Paul’s central argument is that economic growth is coming primarily from cities. We have been witnessing this trend for the last 50 years and it looks as if it will continue. The dominance of cities is increasing in population terms and even more so economically. The planning industry needs to be thinking about how they […]