Nick in the press

Volterra associate Nick Bosanquet was recently featured in the Financial Times as one of the paper’s select group of policymakers, academics and commentators that take part in an annual survey in order to gauge views on some important questions for the economy for the coming year. Read Nick’s responses to their 2014 survey here. Nick also […]
Paul looks at how art holds a mirror up to a gloomy economy…

Paul has recently co-authored a study which examines how the frequency of words expressing misery and unhappiness in books reflects the economic conditions in the years prior to the work’s composition. The report, published in online journal PLoS ONE suggests a strong correlation! Paul has commented “The results suggest quite clearly that, contrary to post-modern […]
Paul Buchanan joins the Volterra Team

We’re delighted to announce that Paul Buchanan is the latest member of the Volterra team where we joins us as a partner. Paul has twenty-five years experience as a transport economist with a background that includes leading the economic appraisals of the Jubilee Line Extension and Crossrail. His career has included work for Halcrow and […]
Reinventing London: your invitation to a lecture this January!

This January senior partner Bridget Rosewell will be delivering a public lecture on the changing shape of the London economy – presenting the challenges, opportunities and factors which will shape the future in the wake of the financial crisis, as set out in her new book, Reinventing London. The lecture will be hosted by think […]
Partner Paul Ormerod made a Visiting Professor in new UCL Research Centre

University College London has set up a new research centre, the Centre for Decision Making Uncertainty. The Centre is led by Professor David Tuckett, a leading psychoanalyst whose book Minding the Markets has attracted very favourable comment from people like George Soros. The Centre is multi-disciplinary, and includes computer scientists, mathematicians and experts in artificial […]
Battersea Power Station Restoration Project

Volterra Consultant Daniel Sciberras spoke at the Battersea Power Station Public Exhibition, which was recently held at the iconic site. Daniel spoke about Volterra’s ongoing work for the Battersea Power Station restoration and regeneration project, including the consideration of any socio and economic impacts that the scheme will likely have at local and London wide […]
Bridget talks about the future for Cities

Senior Partner Bridget Rosewell recently took part in the Festival of Economics (part of Bristol’s Festival of New Ideas) where her new book ‘Reinventing London’ was launched as part of Diane Coyle’s ‘Perspectives’ Series. Here she is in conversation with Romesh Vaitilingham at the festival, discussing the ideas within her book. Image: Autumn Dusk in […]
Bridget’s new book looks at ‘Reinventing London’

Volterra’s senior partner Bridget Rosewell’s new book Reinventing London will be launched this month at the Festival of Economics in Bristol. The book is part of the Perspectives series of books edited by Diane Coyle: essays on big ideas by leading writers given free rein to reframe an issue of great contemporary interest. Bridget asks […]
Air Transport and the Economy

Ellie Evans spoke at the GARS Workshop on “The Effects of Air Transport on the Economy – How can we Evaluate Them?” The workshop was held at the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in Geneva and Ellie spoke on the topic of lessons learnt from High Speed Rail in the UK and their application to […]
Britannia Airport in the Press

Bridget Rosewell and the TESTRAD Consortium recently presented their designs for a proposed hub airport in the Thames Estuary to the press. The plans detail the six-runway Britannia airport that would replace Heathrow. The estuary airport would avoid the need to demolish housing or remove green sites, and minimise the potential for noise pollution. The […]