Buses and Disruptive Technology – UK Bus Summit, 8th February

London Bus

It is a relatively new phrase “disruptive technology”, as if we had never experienced it before. It also seems to represent a rather negative view. Definitions of disruptive include “troublesome, rowdy, disorderly, unconventional”. In reality technological developments have been changing transport ever since the wheel. Buses were themselves the big “disruptor” in the 1920s & […]

‘Expertise’ has become a tool of the liberal establishment to drown out opposing views

The row over the Conservative-supporting journalist Toby Young’s appointment to the universities watchdog has been intense. Despite the relative obscurity of this public position, the left wing Twitterati have been besides themselves with rage. The affair has culminated in his resignation, over some tweets he posted. They are certainly a bit near the knuckle, to […]

Infrastructure – Who Cares?

The launch of the draft National Infrastructure Assessment took place in Birmingham, overlooking the site of the city’s station-to-be at Curzon Street on HS2. In the room were all the new Metro Mayors from the West Midlands, Greater Manchester, the West of England, Cambridge and Peterborough and the earlier established London Mayor. It was the […]

The impact of Brexit on industry

Following the successful publication of Brexit Britain: the trade challenge, Prospect has commissioned a report designed to educate and inform parliamentarians and industry representatives about the impact of Brexit on industry. Bridget Rosewell has contributed a piece to the report – Brexit Britain: the future of industry

Companies that bow to the social media mob are operating in the wrong century

Pizza Hut is the latest addition to the list of companies grovelling to criticism on social media. The restaurant chain tweeted an apology for running a promotion in the Sun newspaper. A few weeks ago, Paperchase said that it would not place any more marketing campaigns with the Daily Mail after receiving “hundreds” of complaints. […]

Paul Buchanan at LLT Local Transport Summit in Manchester

Paul Buchanan

In its second year, the LLT Local Transport Summit is a gathering of senior level decision-makers and professional experts in local and regional transport initiated by Local Transport Today and supported by the Department for Transport. This year the Summit took place in Manchester on the 16th and 17th November. The intention is to provide […]