
Report prepared by Volterra Partners for TfL and TFGM calls for transport funding reform

logo (large)Transport for London and Transport for Greater Manchester recently commissioned Volterra to produce a report looking at long term investment in transport in cities. The report investigates how the current approach to evaluating and funding transport projects is likely to lead to ‘damaging underinvestment’ and calls for more devolved decision making capabilities for cities giving them more control over the planning and building of new transport infrastructure. The report highlights a mismatch between central government’s ambition to boost jobs growth and economic prosperity in cities and the current system used to prioritise transport investment and funding. Transport is crucial to a city’s potential that in turn drives the economic growth of the country. The report goes on to recommend a new focus on a transport project’s ability to create jobs and growth and how this will pay back any original investment. The report has been met with support by other city and transport leaders from Birmingham, Leeds and Sheffield. Read the full report here.

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