Volterra’s work on the economic benefits of a HS2 Stoke route (first published in October) continues to make the headlines in anticipation of the Government’s final decision later this year on whether HS2 will change from a route via Crewe to one via Stoke. Our report concluded that an HS2 station in Stoke-on-Trent would result in a step change in employment and productivity in the city of a much greater magnitude that could be achieved by a Crewe station located outside its town centre. Volterra’s senior adviser Bridget Rosewell gave interviews on the subject for both BBC Radio Stoke and Signal Radio last week, and the proposals continue to make headlines in regional and national press (for full reportage see here). Read our latest press release here.
Image: 221128 – Stoke-on-Trent by Mikey licensed under CC BY 2.0