Impact of the Night Tube on London’s Night Time Economy

Night TubeThe team at Volterra produced the figures which underpinned Transport for London and London First’s report on the impact of the Night Tube on the night time economy in London. The findings indicated that the Night Tube will support 1,965 permanent jobs in the night time economy, and that there could be time savings of up to an hour on some routes.

Unquantifiable benefits included:

  • Increased safety for taxi passengers due to a decrease in demand for illegal minicabs
  • Improved commuter journeys for shift workers
  • Potentially longer opening hours for the city’s attractions, including reduced congestion after major events
  • Improved accessibility to Heathrow in the early morning at weekends
  • Contribution towards a more vibrant night-time economy
  • Increased attractiveness of London for visitors, residents and businesses

The findings support the extended tube opening hours and the ability of London to retain its status as a major world destination.

Click to read the report

Click here for Transport for London’s full press release


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Image: Piccadilly Circus by Rodrigo Galindez licensed under CC BY 2.0

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