Bridget speaks at the North East Independent Economic Review Conference
Bridget speaks at the North East Independent Economic Review Conference The North East LEP, together with the government, have decided to commission a critical review of the North East economy with an aim of identifying opportunities and barriers to boosting employment and productivity. Volterra’s senior partner Bridget Rosewell was invited to sit on the panel […]
Said in the news

Said in the news Volterra associate Said Hirsh is a regular commentator on Middle Eastern economic and political affairs. Recent features include an article in the New York Times on Egypt’s economic reforms (read here), a piece by Bloomberg on the resignation of Tunisian prime minister Hamadi Jbeli (read here) and comments to on […]
Paul in literary mood!

Paul in literary mood! Volterra Partner Paul Ormerod has been active speaking at a batch of early Spring literary festivals about his book Positive Linking, the paperback version of which is due out in June. In Bath, his session competed with Sandi Toksvig and in Keswick with Melvyn Bragg. But each time, the session was […]
Ellie’s latest project… and news of her return!
Ellie’s latest project… and news of her return! We are thrilled to announce the healthy arrival of Volterra’s associate partner Ellie Evans’ second baby girl: Florence Jennifer Evans. Ellie is a long standing member of the Volterra team who, for the last few years, has been based in the USA. She plans to make a […]
Volterra works with the Greater London Authority to re-examine London’s Education Needs
Volterra were recently commissioned by the GLA to report on the skills that are currently required in London and those that will be required in the future. These were then compared to the education offering available in London by further education colleges, universities, and other private providers. As part of the project we spoke to […]
Nick in the Financial Times
Nick in the Financial Times Volterra associate Nick Bosanquet has been very vocal in the Financial Times of late. In a recent article Aging Taxpayers owe the iPod Generation, Nick calls for tax reform to redress the balance between the ‘privileged’ ‘benefit rich’ old and the struggling young. FT subscribers can read the article in […]
Paul Ormerod: Linking the past and the future
Paul Ormerod: Linking the past and the future Volterra Partner Paul Ormerod recently addressed the Trinity College, Cambridge Student Economics Society. A welcome guest was Professor Emeritus Robert Neild, himself a Fellow of Trinity who, at the very start of his distinguished career, actually met Keynes himself! Paul spoke on the topic ‘Networks: the Missing Link […]
Paul on the speaker’s podium
Paul on the speaker’s podium Last month, Paul spoke at a conference on Resilience chaired by the ex-Home Secretary John Reid, and organised by the Institute for Security and Resilience Studies at UCL. Other speakers included ex-CEO of BP, Lord John Browne, and Andy Haldane from the Bank of England. Paul’s topic was ‘Resilience […]
‘What is the Use of Economics?’

‘What is the Use of Economics?’ This is a new book just out, edited by Diane Coyle, which has the contributions to a one day conference organised by the Bank of England and the Government Economic Service. Paul wrote a chapter with Dirk Helbing, research director of the 1 billion Euro project FuturICT, on ‘Back […]
Bridget talks airports on Radio 4

Bridget talks airports on Radio 4 Bridget recently featured on Radio 4’s You and Yours Programme giving her views on the feasibility of a Thames Estuary Airport. The special feature compares these recent plans with the proposal for a similar airport in Maplin Sands, Essex that were proposed and then pulled by the conservative government […]