What if the OBR too optimistic about growth?

The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) published its economic and fiscal outlook document in conjunction with Jeremy Hunt’s budget statement on 6 March. Close scrutiny is paid to the short-term projections of growth in the economy made by the OBR. Tax receipts received by the government depend strongly on the rate of growth. And higher tax receipts give a […]

A look at Germany shows the UK’s growth problem is not a Brexit phenomenon

We English are notoriously bad at languages. But, like magpies, rather than bothering to make the effort, we steal words from others. That is why there is no word in our language for “Schadenfreude”, taking pleasure in the misfortunes of others. And all but the most diehard of Remainers, eyes firmly closed to the evidence, […]

It’s time to go back to basics and go about fixing our deficit before more tax cuts

As inflation pushes prices further and further up, food has been getting more expensive for some time. But, as the cliche goes, there was never such a thing as a free lunch. This idea, well known among economists, means prosperity depends upon making the effort to raise productivity. These are concepts which Western electorates are […]

Low tax regimes only matter as much as their longevity

The tax breaks will, we were told, include 100 per cent relief from business rates on newly occupied business premises, and offsets for companies on spending on new plant and machinery in the first year. Relaxed planning regulations are also set to be part of the package.  The race from local authorities to be included […]