A warm welcome to Andrew and Roberto

Volterra is delighted to announce the arrival of two new economic consultants, Andrew Cuttle and Roberto Vedova. Andrew has previous experience in cost-benefit analysis and developing business cases for large government-funded rail projects. He also has experience as an economist at the UK’s rail regulating body, reviewing operator access charges as part of Network Rail’s […]

Sunak should be modelling his fiscal rules on Clem Attlee’s, not Margaret Thatcher’s

Normally, reading economic statistics is, for almost everybody, a sure-fire way of curing insomnia. Not anymore. The Office for National Statistics came out with yet another attention-grabber last week. Government debt in the UK, the august body pronounced, is now bigger than GDP for the first time in over 60 years. The statisticians did qualify […]

Our approach to energy prices shows we want climate policies only if they’re free

The energy sector continues to grab the headlines. The government has announced the windfall tax on oil and gas companies will be scrapped if prices fall to more normal levels for a sustained period. Cue predictable outrage from the likes of the Green party, who said the government should be “tightening the tax and ensuring […]

It’s time the Bank of England rethinks monetary policy – and its own methods

The Bank of England’s handling of inflation has been met with increasing levels of criticism.  Despite its suite of academically fashionable mathematical and econometric models, the Bank seems to be acting in a daze, unable to comprehend what is going on. A paper just published in the American Economic Review advocates an alternative way of […]

Confusion is the keyword for UK bonds as financial markets’ confidence fades

The yields on British government bonds have drifted upwards again. As many commentators have pointed out, we are back at the levels experienced during the short-lived premiership of Liz Truss. An obvious culprit is government debt, now at around 100 per cent of GDP in the UK. This in itself can create anxiety in the […]

Starmer is right, we need to give up on the cult of a university education for all

Labour leader Keir Starmer came under fire for his recent reverse ferret on abolishing university tuition fees. Some see it as an inability to stick to a pledge, while others view it as  a further betrayal of the policies of Jeremy Corbyn. From an egalitarian perspective, Starmer’s decision is absolutely correct. Abolishing fees would cost over […]