The race for AI-powered search engines is a long war and ChatGPT could easily lose

The AI chatbot ChatGPT has taken the world by storm – and for once, the hyperbole is justified. Tens of millions, perhaps hundreds, of people across the world who never previously engaged with artificial intelligence are referring to the tool as if it were an old friend which they had known forever. Naturally, such an […]

Poor educational outcomes for today’s children could create a future wave of crime

During the pandemic, those most at risk of illness were the elderly and the vulnerable. But it was Britain’s youngest who felt the development and social impacts the most. The full scale of the problem is still slowly unravelling.  As children started at school, we heard horror stories of kids arriving not yet toilet-trained or […]

Rishi Sunak’s strategy of quiet governance won’t deliver an election victory

One of the prayers in the 1662 Anglican Prayer Book entreats that we be “godly and quietly governed”. In other words, government should not just be reasonable and morally upright, there should also not be too much of it.   Rishi Sunak appears to have taken this to heart, or at least the “quiet” bit, given […]

China’s zero-Covid policy must be a cautionary tale for the UK

As we greet the new year with the hope of more serene times ahead, some might do it with a measure of doubt and trepidation for a variety of reasons, one of them being the government’s decision to resurrect Covid-19 restrictions.   Admittedly, it is in a very limited form and only affects arrivals from China. For […]