Paul in literary mood!

Paul in literary mood! Volterra Partner Paul Ormerod has been active speaking at a batch of early Spring literary festivals about his book Positive Linking, the paperback version of which is due out in June. In Bath, his session competed with Sandi Toksvig and in Keswick with Melvyn Bragg. But each time, the session was […]

Ellie’s latest project… and news of her return!

Ellie’s latest project… and news of her return! We are thrilled to announce the healthy arrival of Volterra’s associate partner Ellie Evans’ second baby girl: Florence Jennifer Evans. Ellie is a long standing member of the Volterra team who, for the last few years, has been based in the USA. She plans to make a […]

What would Keynes have said? Ouija board active!

The loss of triple A status on UK government bonds has intensified the demands for a Plan B. So-called Keynesians demand an increase in both public spending and the public sector deficit. What might Keynes himself have said about the current situation? Lacking a Ouija board, I am unable to communicate directly with the great […]

Networks, the North and Prosperity

What can be done about the North? The gap between London and the South East grows and grows. The response of many in the political class in the North is the dispiriting whinge of entitlement. The Leader of Newcastle Council has recently attracted national publicity for his decision to cut all arts funding in the […]

Nick in the Financial Times

Nick in the Financial Times Volterra associate Nick Bosanquet has been very vocal in the Financial Times of late. In a recent article Aging Taxpayers owe the iPod Generation, Nick calls for tax reform to redress the balance between the ‘privileged’ ‘benefit rich’ old and the struggling young. FT subscribers can read the article in […]

Paul Ormerod: Linking the past and the future

Paul Ormerod: Linking the past and the future Volterra Partner Paul Ormerod recently addressed the Trinity College, Cambridge Student Economics Society. A welcome guest was Professor Emeritus Robert Neild, himself a Fellow of Trinity who, at the very start of his distinguished career, actually met Keynes himself!  Paul spoke on the topic ‘Networks: the Missing Link […]

Entrepreneurship and the filthy rich

Peter Mandelson famously said that he was ‘intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich’. As was the case with many aspects of New Labour, he was working firmly in the Leninist intellectual tradition. Some 20 years earlier, the then leader of the Chinese Communist Party, Deng Xiaoping, stated that ‘to get rich is glorious’. The […]

Today Singapore and Japan, Tomorrow China

It has suddenly become fashionable to be concerned about China’s growth rate slowing down. This is not a matter of a short-run cyclical downturn, with normal service being resumed shortly as the economy roars ahead once more. It is a worry that there will be a permanent slowdown by the end of this decade. Instead […]

Nick Bosanquet in the Financial Times: projections for 2013

Each New Year the Financial Times surveys a select group of policymakers, academics and commentators to gauge views on some important questions for the economy for the coming year. Volterra associate Nick Bosanquet took part in the survey in 2013. Read the full artticle published in the FT here – and take a look at […]