Bridget Rosewell speaker in the 2016 World Traders’ Tacitus Debate

Bridget Rosewell was invited to be a guest speaker at The 2016 World Traders’ Tacitus Debate on Thursday 28th April 2016.  This year’s debate returned to the London premises of DLA Piper at the invitation of the Tacitus subcommittee Chairman, Lord (Tim) Clement-Jones. Following Sir Paul Tucker’s Lecture at Guildhall, theme was “Should International Monetary Policy […]

There’s a smart case for diversity – but it’s not the one you think.

Andy Haldane, chief economist at the Bank of England, hit the headlines last week with his confession that even he could not understand much of the material which pension providers give to customers. Less noticed, however, was a speech he gave the previous week at a dinner organised in aid of Children in Need on […]

‘Good Enough’ evidence?

We all want evidence based policy and decisions.  However, deciding what constitutes evidence and what standard of proof is required is another matter.  And of course this is especially challenging when we need to explore what will happen, rather than what has happened.  Will this policy work?  Will this investment pay back?  It’s not clear […]

Don’t give in to Twitter mob: Social media is just an echo chamber

Greater Manchester Police staged a simulated terror attack in the massive Trafford Park retail complex last week.  As with many real life atrocities, the carnage began with the cry “Allahu Akbar!”   Following a storm of protest on Twitter, the police felt forced to apologise.  Almost at the same time, a frenzied chorus rose up demanding […]

Is Britain on the edge of recession? History is an unreliable guide

Concerns are growing about a marked slowdown in the UK economy. The Lloyds Bank purchasing managers’ index, for example, fell to 52.1 in April, its lowest point since 2013. The initial estimate for GDP, total output, in the first quarter of this year shows an increase of just 0.4 per cent on the final quarter of 2015. […]

Ellie Evans speaks at RTPI London Mayoral Series

Volterra Partner, Ellie Evans, spoke at the final event in the RTPI London Mayoral Series. The event looked at the future of London’s economy, focusing on what further fiscal and planning powers would be beneficial for a Mayor to have, in order for the Capital to deliver on its challenging growth targets. Ellie outlined the […]

Bridget Rosewell to attend ITC report launch

Leading economist and member of the National Infrastructure Commission Bridget Rosewell is to attend the Independent Transport Commission (ITC) launch of High Speed Rail and Connected Cities: Accessible Places for Growing Economies on Monday 16th May at Leeds Town Hall. The Independent Transport Commission (ITC) has been running a major research project investigating how High […]

Surviving the pensions crisis means encouraging work

The Queen’s 90th birthday has quite rightly dominated the media over the past week.  Her Majesty continues to break all sorts of records, spending longer on the throne than Queen Victoria and being our oldest ever reigning monarch.  But longevity should no longer give cause for surprise.  The oldest participant in the London Marathon was […]