Blame Jeremy Corbyn for the increasing number of public sector strikes

The total number of working days lost through labour disputes last year was, at just 170,000, the second lowest annual total since records began in 1891. What a difference a year can make. Southern Rail commuters have endured months of misery due to the prolonged series of strikes called by the RMT. Union members on […]

The Night Tube has arrived!

Volterra welcomes today’s launch of the Night Tube, which will see London Underground operating 24-hour services on Fridays and Saturdays. Night Tube services will launch on the Central and Victoria lines from tonight, with the Jubilee, Northern and Piccadilly lines to follow in the autumn. Volterra produced a report for TfL and London First in […]

We all love something for nothing – but what is the real cost?

There is a childlike excitement that comes from being offered something for free. Often regardless of whether you want or need something, if you are offered it at no cost, you take it. ‘Free’ is not just cheaper than say 1 or 2p, it has added value: the zero price effect. Last year’s introduction of […]

What England’s greatest ever batsman tells us about how to use statistics

Cricket fans will be delighted that Joe Root is establishing himself this summer as a truly great batsman. His Test match batting average of 55.49 is bettered by only 16 players from across the world since Test cricket began in 1877. Root currently sits seventh in the England career batting averages, and he clearly has […]

Why Britain and the US are streets ahead of Europe in innovation

The proposed takeover of the hugely successful ARM Holdings by the Japanese giant SoftBank is in the news. Cambridge-based ARM is well placed to exploit the white hot concept of the internet of things, highlighting the UK’s recent advances in this field. The UK has also performed well in biotechnology. But the industry came under […]

Ellie Evans speaker at London Real Estate Forum 2016

Volterra Partner Ellie Evans spoke at the London Real Estate Forum 2016 as part of a panel discussing the future of London’s economy. Brexit was looming, and the implications for London’s economy were discussed but setting that aside – Ellie focused on the role property developers can play in creating a diverse and attractive atmosphere […]

Sorry, Prime Minister: Legislation won’t end excess in the boardroom

A key platform of our new Prime Minister is to curb what she perceives to be boardroom excesses.  “It is not anti-business to suggest that big business needs to change”, she said. One of her proposals is to allow employee and worker representatives to sit on company boards, a suggestion which has not gone down […]

Planning permission granted for Ilona Rose House

Soho Estates has been granted planning to convert the old Foyles building in the Tottenham Court Road Opportunity Area into a mixed use development known as Ilona Rose House. The development will include the provision of office, retail and leisure space as well as improved public realm. Volterra authored the economic case for the development which […]

Volterra Associate Kieran Arter talks at Annual Transport Practitioners’ Meeting

Kieran Arter, Associate at Volterra, spoke at the 14th Annual Transport Practitioners’ Meeting in Nottingham on 29 June discussing “How transport supports economic development”. He summarised the treatment of economic benefits in transport appraisal, ranging from traditional user benefits to the more recent thinking on Wider Economic Benefits. Kieran also emphasised the importance of taking dynamic […]