Volterra: industry partners at UCL’s hands-on training event

Kieran Arter at UCLPaul Buchanan and Kieran Arter were recent ‘industry partners’ at UCL’s How to Change the World hands-on training programme (HtCtW, 30 May – 9 June 2017).

Students were challenged to come up with ways to improve the Strategic Road Network. Paul and Kieran were on hand to answer questions from the participating students. Group discussions then took place with the individual teams about their solutions, further questions were addressed and suggestions made to help develop their ideas.

Kieran went on to be one of the judges at the final event at County Hall.

Both really enjoyed the event and were impressed with the students’ enthusiasm, ideas and presentation skills. Kieran said ‘The programme is a great idea as it gives the students exposure to real-life issues and gets them working as part of a multi-disciplinary team, which will set them in good stead for the future.’

To learn more, visit UCL’s Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy website.

 Image: UCL STEaPP/Layton Thompson.

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