Volterra investigates a potential new location for Everton FC

EvertonVolterra recently produced a report investigating the potential relocation of Everton FC to a new site at Walton Hall Park in North Liverpool. The study found that up to 1,250 permanent jobs, 1,000 new homes and 30,000 square metres of leisure, retail and restaurant space could be created by the proposed plan. Everton’s 50,000-seater stadium and the rest of the development would take up between 40-50% of the available green space in the park. Whilst acknowledging that the stadium would not be a silver bullet in regard to instantly transforming a currently deprived area into a prospering community, the report does conclude that – when coupled with appropriate other complementary uses and supported by collaborative transport, economic and development strategies the plans hold the potential to unlock regeneration opportunities and may help to deliver long term step changes. Read the full report here.

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