
HS1-HS2 Camden Link

logo (large)Volterra has recently completed a report assessing the options for the HS1-HS2 link for Camden Town Unlimited. We argued that the proposal to run a single surface level track through Camden was ‘an unconvincing compromise’: HS2 Ltd should either build a full twin track tunnel under Camden or build nothing at all. The proposal was a half measure which imposed significant costs with limited benefits. Our work reviewed costs, impacts during construction on local businesses, residents and road and rail users. Less than a week after our report was published, Sir David Higgins, the new chairman of HS2 Ltd, delivered his ‘HS2 Plus’ report with his visions for HS2. In this report, he describes the proposed HS1-HS2 Link as ‘an imperfect compromise’: perhaps a reference to our report! Read the HS2 Plus report here, and our report here 

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